In the Classroom

Every young person can have a voice in the classroom.  Having a voice here is  every bit as important as having a voice at the whole school level. This section highlights  some of the  ways that this can happen and provides resources to support these practices.

Kinsale Community School: Voice in the Classroom

For Teachers:

Materials in this section are designed for use by teachers in considering how to make voice more prominent in the classroom.

Activating Voice in Your Classroom (PDF) Some teaching and classroom management ideas to help you identify and maximise opportunities for voice in the classroom.
Key Skills Planning in Collaboration with Colleagues (PDF) Collaborate with colleagues to enhance student voice in learning.
Negotiated Integrated Curriculum (PDF) Check out how to negotiate the curriculum, including CBA’s, with your students
Voice in Ongoing Assessment (PDF) Ideas on how you might highlight the role of student voice in ongoing assessment practices.
Voice in the Classroom: Teacher Reflection (PDF) Use this audit tool to reflect with colleagues about student voice in the classroom
Teacher Peer Observation Tool (PDF) An observation tool to support teacher peer observation of student voice practice in a classroom setting.

For Students:

It’s important to explore how young people feel about their contribution to decisions made in the classroom. These workshops support the teacher in discussing voice and agency with students.

Voice in the Classroom: Student Workshop (PDF) To what extent do students feel they have a voice about matters that affect them in the classroom? This workshop will help to explore the topic.
Agency in the Classroom: Student Workshop (PDF) To what extent do students have the self-belief to contribute to and /or lead decision making in relation to their learning and other aspects of classroom life? Use this workshop to find out.

For Teachers and Students:

Promote shared understanding by enabling teachers and students to discuss the practice of and potential for voice together.

Voice in the Classroom: Student and Teacher Workshop (PDF) This student- teacher workshop will support a joint reflection about the role of student voice in the classroom.